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    Creating a
    Healthier World
    for Everyone


    Creating a
    Healthier World
    for Everyone

About Us

This is Pamoja
Pamoja means "together". This is the vision of Hans and Ashok: Creating mono- and combination therapies together with world class universities and clinical researchers to benefit people together; regardless of their colour, class or social standing. In short, repurposing drugs to target deadly and neglected diseases in the most cost-effective way.

Product Portfolio

Actively Repur­posing
Our current product portfolio consists of:
  • 25, 50 and 100 mg artesunate tablets and matching placebos with IMPD and approved for use in clinical trials in France, Gabon and Malaysia
  • 60 mg per vial artesunate powder for solution for intramuscular or intravenous use
  • 120 mg/ml, 5 ml per vial pyronaridine parenteral solution for intramuscular or intravenous use
Combinations with other pharmaceutical actives can be developed and prepared on request.

  • Recent advances of the use of artesunate in non-malarial clinical studies:
    • Cancer treatment, e.g. a study published in EBioMedicine reported that artesunate effectively inhibits the growth of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through the induction of oxidative stress and apoptosis (programmed cell death).

      Artesunate induces apoptosis in cancer cells through various mechanisms, including the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), disruption of mitochondrial function, and inhibition of angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels that supply the tumor).

      Breast cancer: Artesunate has shown efficacy in inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells and inducing apoptosis.
      Lung cancer: Studies have demonstrated that artesunate can suppress the growth and metastasis of lung cancer cells.
      Colorectal cancer: Artesunate has been reported to reduce tumor growth in colorectal cancer through its anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects.
      Liver cancer: Research has highlighted artesunate's potential in treating heptocellular carcinoma by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.

      Combination therapies, e.g. with cisplatin or doxorubicin, have shown synergistic effects in killing cancer cells and such combinations can both enhance efficacy and reduce drug resistance. Numerous preclinical studies and some early-phase clinical trials have shown promising results for artesunage in various cancer treatments. Futhermore, artesunate is well-tolerated with fewer side effects compare to conventional chemotherapeutic agents.
      More info here (this will open a separate window).

    • Anti-inflammatory properties, e.g. research published in the Inflammation journal demonstrated that artesunate could alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthiritis by modulating inflammatory cytokine production.
    • Viral infections, e.g. a study in Antiviral Research highlighted that artesunate exhibits potentional antiviral activitiy against the cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Hepatitis B virus (HBV), e.g. a study in Antiviral Research highlighted that certain potent activitiy against CMV, porviding a potential therapeutic option for CMV infections.
    • Antibacterial Activity, e.g. research in the The Journal of Antibiotics reported that artesunate could inhibit the growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
    • Treatment of Autoimmune diseaes, e.g. studies published in the Lupus journal indicated that artesunate might reduce disease activity in lupus patients by moderating immune responses.

  • We have a patent pending for a parenteral pyronaridine dosage that administers the drug non-orally (e.g. intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly), and which can offer several benefits:
    • Quicker therapeutic effects due to rapid onset of action
    • Enhanced bioavailability avoiding first-pass metabolism
    • Improved patience compliance and an alternative for patients unable to take oral medications
    • More precise dosing for controlled drug delivery
    • Reduced risk of resistance development by maintaining consistent drug levels
    • Synergistic effects due to potential for combination therapy

    • A parenteral pyronaridine dosage form can provide rapid, effective and reliable treatment for severe malaria, especially where oral administration is not feasible or effective.
    • Our Team

      Together for a
      better tomorrow.

      The team has long-standing experience with artesunate, having been actively involved in the development and production of artemisinin combination therapies and bringing them to the private market in Africa and South East-Asia for over 20 years. Its main product is available under the brand name Co-Arinate and is distributed by Dafra Pharma from Belgium all over Africa.

    Hans Platteeuw

    Mr. Platteeuw holds a master’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He started his career at Synthon BV as Project Manager of pharmaceutical product development and later became the company’s Head of Galenical R&D. In 2004 he moved to Dafra Pharma, a private company specialized in antimalarial medication where he acted as Director R&D and was instrumental for the launch of Co-Arinate. In 2005, he started Avivia BV, a company specialized in pharmaceutical product development with a specific expertise in the development and intellectual property protection of specialty generics products.

    Ashok Krishna

    Non-Executive Director
    After schooling in Tanzania, India and the UK, Mr. Krishna completed BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering and Operational Research at Imperial College London. During his PhD, he then was headhunted to work as a strategy analyst and later project manager for Lucas Industries in London. Subsequently, he moved to Germany and ran various family businesses in branches as diverse as textiles and paper coatings. After selling the largest German business in 2020, he explored more philanthropic enterprises, and Pamoja b.v. was founded in 2024.

    Contact Us

    Reach Out. Connect. Thrive.
    Looking forward to hearing from you with opportunities to work together!